Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Cool Cup of Joe - Cappucino Punch

I love coffee. I have been begging my five year old to learn how to make it for months so that I can wake up to a fresh pot...I mean since he wants to be up an hour before everyone else he might as well make himself useful! I remember my first trip to Starbucks, it was to the original location by Pike's Place Market in Seattle. I remember the overwhelming wonderful spell of freshly perked coffee and how I knew that it was not going to be just any old cup of coffee! Since I was nine at the time my aunt decided it would be best if I went with an iced coffee, so I did. And it was lovely. And my love affair with the bean quickly started.
This recipe was adapted from one I had years ago. It is the perfect iced coffee and the best addition to any party. We actually served this at our wedding, this and warm apple juice (someone forgot to add in the wassail mix!).  I love it. I could drink gallons of this! If you are a coffee lover, beware!

2 cups of strong coffee (decaf or regular)
1 1/2 c sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
1 quart of milk (can use chocolate to make it mocha)
1 pt half and half
2 tsp vanilla
whipped cream (optional)

Combine the coffee and sugar while the coffee is still hot. Add remaining ingredients. Pour into a large Ziploc bag (be sure your bag is inside a bowl in case it leaks!) and freeze for at least 6 hours up to overnight. Remove from freezer 20-30 minutes before serving. Mash the bag to break up any large chunks then pour into a large pitcher. Serve in individual cups and top off with a dollop of whipped cream and dash of cinnamon or chocolate shavings. Enjoy!

Makes 8 servings and can be easily doubled or tripled.

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